Friday, July 11, 2014

The five elements from which all creation is manifest are accessible through ‘Chakras’ located in the spinal area. The Chakras are energy centres in the astral body corresponding to five locations in the spinal region and two in the area of the brain. Each chakra is endowed with the capacity to awaken certain powerful features.

  1.  Muladhara chakra or Root Chakra-it represents stability and support. It indicates Earth element. 
  2. Swadishthan or Sacral chakra- it represents joy and general sense of well being. It indicates Water element 
  3. Manipura or Solar plexus chakra- it represents power and wisdom. It indicates Fire element. 
  4. Anahata or heart chakra-It represents love, forgiveness, compassion to all. It indicates Air element. 
  5. Vishuddha or throat chakra-It represents faith in ourselves, trust in others, creativity. It indicates ether element. 
  6. Ajna or brow chakra- It represents knowledge, dignity, intuition. It indicates ether element. 
  7. Sahasrara or crown chakra- It represents perfect balance, oneness with the universe. It indicates ether element.
